hello everyone~ how r you my one and only lovely blog?
this is just some random thoughts i have tonight while enjoying my time alone at home upstairs.
i've been watching Grey's Anatomy for a couple months now and i think this serial become one of my favorite drama.
people said that this drama can makes you miserable and sad and mellow and so on. i can't not agree with that, though. but actually i only cried once when i watching this. but i indeed feel miserable and the anxious and pessimist :( lol.
i haven't write anything here yet about my last relationship, my broke-up. i don't plan to, tbh.
but long story short it was my first heartbreak, everyone, MY VERY FIRST HEARTBREAK, I'M HURT.
no, i mean it. i've been hurt. so bad. it hurts. so deep.
and that's it. i can only tell you that.
since i told you abt watching Grey's, here's some quotes i really love and getting touch from that drama. lol
here you go~
"in fact, the only thing i can truly promise is i'll probably hurt you again. oh, and you'll hurt me. and i'll come right back to you again when you do.
i'll accept the risk. because you are worth it, because you matter to me. because i love you, and i'm not going anywhere"
- dr. Richard Webber (when propose to dr. Catherine Avery)
"we got more than just one thing to love. and one day, something will click. and you'll know you found it."
- dr. Calliope Torres (when fix a kid's leg)
it sounds so cheesy and fluffy? no it's not. it sounds true and sincere to me.
hahaha pardon this just-had-a-heartbreak-girl.
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